fare change while booking

Why did my fare rise on proceeding for flight booking?

Dear Friends,

Fares are subject to availability at the time of booking. There may be multiple reasons for fare change during the booking process.

Few commonly noted reasons are mentioned below.

1. When booking for dates which are very close you are more likely to see fare changes as the availabilities at airline end keep changing at faster rate. As the seats with airlines get filled up the fares are increased by the airlines automatically.

2. Some airlines have nowdays adopted new techniques that cause the fares to jump to higher fare brackets if multiple searches for same date are captured for same date in short span of time. Airlines using complex algorithms keep updating their fares as per the demand and market dynamics.

3. Demand and supply. Incase the seats are getting sold out faster the fares are likely going to increase. So at certain times when people have just got information that a certain flight has got cancelled then the chances of fares shooting up for that date on that particular sector are extremely high as people will start shifting bookings to other airlines for that date and result in quick fare jump for those dates.

4. Same Date Departures. It is but obvious that all airlines have limited inventory and most of the times the airlines are nowdays carrying more than 90 % occupancy. Hence there are likely very few seats left on a flight on the day of departure for booking. Incase we need more than one seat then we should search for the total number required and then proceed for booking immediately to confirm the booking. Incase we delay to confirm the seats most likely the fares are going to change.

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